Website Edit Services
Changes are just an email away
In order for submissions to be as efficient as possible, here are guidelines to use so that your request is completed as soon as possible.
Please provide the following for all website page edits/additions/deletions in an email to our support team:
Types of Submissions

- Please provide the specific page URL (webpage address) before each particular page that needs to be changed.
- Please copy and paste the entire text content of that page into a word doc or email body and make the necessary changes to the text.
- Monster staff will copy/paste your content exactly how it is written.
Linked Documents – please provide any linked documents as an attachment in the email that you send just like photos.

- Please provide the Page Title, Headline, Page Content
- Please send any necessary photos/documents/PPTs as attachments in an email [email protected].
- Please provide the location where you would like to page to be located. a. i.e. Academics -> Undergraduate -> B.S. Communication -> New Page Here

- Please include instructions as to page url and where to add or replace on the page
- All photos should be an attachment in the email
- Please DO NOT embed the photos into the email body or document body as they will lose resolution
Please note: support hours are Monday – Thursday 9-5 and Friday 9-1. Please allow 2 business days for completion.